Connecting Parents.
We are actively seeking parents who have already lived through adjusting to life with a son or daughter with a religious vocation. Regardless of whether your son became a diocesan priest or joined an order or your daughter entered the convent, we can all learn from one another’s experiences.
There are many parents out there right now at the very beginning of this journey. They have quesitons, they need support and encouragement. Will you join our Facebook community and engage with us to help be the body of Christ to this often overlooked need in the Church?
Yearly Vocations
New Priests
Vowed religious sisters
Religious Brothers
Why We Started It.

Benefits of a Faithful Community
When Parents of Vocations founder, Tom Kissel, first became aware of his daughter’s decision to pursue religious life, he had no idea how her decision and vocation would ultimately become his vocation as well–primarily because of how her new life would forever change how often and for how long he would be able to see his only daughter. As excited as Tom was for his daughter, the reality of letting go to such an extent was heart-wrenching.
When Tom looked for resources online or attempted to find a community of parents in similar situations, he was surprised to discover there were very few organized efforts to bring support, resources, testimonials and other parents together who could serve as guides to help him (and others) with the transition that lay ahead.
Recent Posts
Your family’s story is unique. Every religious vocation is too.
What to Do When Your Child Receives Their Vocation.
When your child receives their vocation, it usually is not an event, but an evolving process which you have likely witnessed unfold over time that culminates in a concrete decision to follow the vocational call from God. Your diocese should have a priest or sister...
Praying for Your Child in Their Vocation.
Praying for our children is nothing new as parents. Praying for a child’s religious vocation is new and sometimes even difficult as it brings many changes to our lives and those of our families. It’s important to remember that we are praying for the will of God in our...
How to Support Your Discerning Child.
Your child’s discernment is a multi-year process that has milestones along the way. Your support as a parent does not start and end when your child decides to enter religious life or the priesthood. Your support will take on different elements and forms as your child...